Flashback to July 8

World History


Israeli commandos rescue 105 hostages at Entebbe Airport, Uganda during Operation Yonatan.

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On July 3, 1976, a daring and heroic operation took place at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. Israeli commandos executed a successful rescue mission, saving 105 hostages who had been held captive by terrorists. This historic event, known as Operation Yonatan, showcased the exceptional skill and bravery of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and has since become an important chapter in the history of counterterrorism.

The Entebbe hostage crisis began on June 27, 1976, when Air France Flight 139 was hijacked by a group of Palestinian and German terrorists. The plane was en route from Tel Aviv to Paris, but it was diverted to Entebbe Airport in Uganda. The hijackers, led by members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and German Revolutionary Cells, demanded the release of Palestinian prisoners held in Israel and four other countries.

The hostages, who were mostly Israelis and Jews, were separated from the non-Jewish passengers and held captive in the old terminal building at Entebbe Airport. The terrorists, supported by Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, threatened to kill the hostages if their demands were not met. The international community closely watched the unfolding crisis, hoping for a peaceful resolution.

In response to the crisis, the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin authorized a top-secret rescue operation. The mission was named Operation Thunderbolt, later renamed Operation Yonatan in honor of the commander of the mission, Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, who tragically lost his life during the operation.

On July 4th, under the cover of darkness, a team of Israeli commandos landed at Entebbe Airport in four Hercules transport planes. The commandos, members of the elite special forces unit, Sayeret Matkal, quickly moved towards the terminal building, engaging in a fierce firefight with Ugandan soldiers and terrorists. Their objective was to neutralize the terrorists and rescue the hostages.

The operation took less than an hour, with the precise and efficient Israeli commandos gaining the upper hand. They killed all the terrorists, destroyed Ugandan military vehicles, and managed to free the hostages. Unfortunately, three hostages were killed during the operation, along with Yoni Netanyahu and nearly all the hijackers.

The rescue operation was widely hailed as a success and showcased the IDF’s impressive capabilities. The Israeli commandos faced significant challenges, including the surprise factor, the vast distance from their home base, and the element of time pressure. However, their meticulous planning, rigorous training, and unwavering determination ensured a swift and successful outcome.

Operation Yonatan had a profound impact on international counterterrorism efforts. It demonstrated that terrorism could not be allowed to dictate governments’ responses and that decisive action can lead to positive results. The operation also highlighted the need for improved aviation security measures in the face of evolving terrorist threats.

The impact of Operation Yonatan was not limited to the immediate rescue of the hostages. It had broader geopolitical implications, signaling to the world that Israel would protect its citizens at any cost and would not hesitate to take action beyond its borders to ensure their safety. The mission also cemented Israel’s reputation as a formidable military power, capable of executing complex and daring operations with precision.

Even after more than four decades, the legacy of Operation Yonatan continues to inspire and resonate. It serves as a reminder of the courage and dedication of those involved and reinforces the importance of steadfastness in the face of adversity. The events of July 3, 1976, at Entebbe Airport forever changed the course of counterterrorism, leaving an indelible mark on history.

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