Flashback to September 19

American History


Pirate Radio Free America (off Cape May, New Jersey) goes on the air.

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In the history of broadcasting, there are numerous significant moments that underscore the power and reach of radio as a communication medium. One such memory from the archives is the event of Pirate Radio Free America going on air off Cape May, New Jersey, on the 19th of September, 1973. This epic event challenged the status quo and dared to redefine the rules of conventional broadcasting. The spirit of Pirate Radio Free America is imbued with freedom, autonomy and the eagerness to confront authority.

The event of Pirate Radio Free America going public off Cape May was indeed a striking one. Off the coast of New Jersey, this unlicensed broadcasting station embarked on a daring journey. It caught the imagination of radio enthusiasts and broadcasters worldwide, becoming synonymous with audacity and innovation. Despite its lack of official authorization, the independent radio managed to reach thousands of radio sets and was a driving force in engaging the community with music, news, and regional topics.

Cape May, New Jersey, with its rich maritime history, served as an apt location for Pirate Radio Free America’s debut. The maritime city with its coastal charm and bustling activities provided the perfect backdrop for the launch of a revolutionary era in radio broadcasting. Known for its lighthouses and serene coastline, Cape May became an icon in the world of pirate radio with this significant event.

Radio has always been a tool for freedom and expression, from the airing of live broadcasts during remarkable events, sharing stories and laughter, to the new music released. Pirate Radio Free America was in line with these qualities. It went on air in defiance of established laws and practices, proclaiming the freedom to broadcast. Pirate Radio was a pioneer in assuming a bold stance, demonstrating creativity, and presenting a diverse range of content to its listeners.

A striking feature of Pirate Radio Free America was its close connection with its audience. The connection that was built was not coincidental; it was the result of the genuine messages, witty broadcasting style, and the strong sense of community it created. It was this element of authenticity that helped Pirate Radio Free America attain a cult status among its listeners. Numerous radio programming styles and formats were experimented with, leading to a comprehensive musical and broadcasting experience.

In September 1973, decades before the advent of the internet and social media, Pirate Radio Free America was pushing the boundaries. This origins of this movement can be traced back to the rebellious spirit of that time, which was mirrored in the radio station’s audacious approach. By existing outside of the regulated airwaves, Pirate Radio demonstrated that the impact of radio was not limited to licensed broadcasters alone.

Today, the legacy of Pirate Radio Free America continues to inspire countless broadcasters around the world. Despite the many challenges and obstacles faced, the station could leave an indelible mark on radio broadcasting history. The event is a powerful testament to the unique role that radio continues to play in our lives, connecting people, sharing perspectives, and giving the voiceless a platform to express themselves.

In the age of digital communication, the event symbolizes the influence and potential of radio as a medium of communication. Pirate Radio Free America going on the air on 19th September 1973, off Cape May, New Jersey, will always be remembered as a remarkable event that dared to transgress conventional boundaries and declared the power of free expression and broadcasting. The spirit of Pirate Radio is a timeless reminder that radio’s power lies in its ability to reach people, tell stories, and transcend barriers.

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